By: Ajax
23 March 2004

Mosquitoes are more than just nasty pests, they are disease vectors which spread some of the worst inflictions known to man - Malaria, Yellow Fever, Encephalitis, Dengue (Breakbone Fever), West Nile Virus and a host of others. In the United States, most areas are free of many of these diseases because of good public health and infrastructure. However, in a disaster, these protections could be lost and we would again be faced with these scourges.

Although pesticides can kill mosquitoes, this article will deal with non-pesticide mosquito control techniques because in order to kill enough mosquitoes to make a difference, most of us do not have the equipment or funds to spray enough of it, or to place enough larvacide bait, to make a dent in the population.

Non-Pesticide Mosquito Control

As good as pesticides are they cannot control mosquitoes by themselves. In fact, pesticide spraying or larvacide baiting are only a small part of controlling mosquitoes. Walter Reed, a famous army physician who helped control Yellow Fever in Panama during the construction of the Panama Canal, found that by draining swamps and stagnant water, the number of mosquitoes could be controlled. While we may not be able to drain swamps, we can certainly take steps to reduce stagnant water around our houses.

One of the most important things you can do to reduce the number of mosquitoes around your residence is to rid your area of breeding areas. Mosquitoes need water and food to breed. By getting rid of old tires and emptying stagnant water containers, you can cut down on the number of mosquitoes.

The following steps can make a significant reduction in the breeding areas around your residence:









Some of this information was provided by the Maryland Department of Environmental Protection.

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