*Emergency Lighting*
What to use?
By Jaden
10 March 2004
You have a huge disaster in your AO and power is knocked out. Let’s say an Ice Storm with a lot of ice & snow. There is super severe damage and power companies don’t expect to have things back online for at least 3 of weeks if all goes well. Main transmission lines are down, trees took down utility poles, a power sub station was destroyed. It’s wintertime so it’s dark out earlier which requires you to turn on lights much earlier than the summer months.
The sheeple are flocking to stores to buy flashlights and batteries (for double the price no doubt) along with food & bottled water etc. You are sitting at home relaxing because you are a survivalist and prepared in advance. You have a back up power system, Coleman lamps, candles etc. That’s good. You have plenty of light sources. Now the ?? is…which one(s) to use.
You analyze the damage and consider having to live 3 weeks off grid. How big is your battery bank and how long can it last? Can you recharge it?
I have no idea what you all have for various preps so I’m going to go off ours.
My 12-volt battery bank is 920 amp hours. During the winter months in the north good sunlight is sparse. For example on 23NOV03 it was sunny. My bank voltage only increased by .3 volts. Here it is 1556 hours and the sun’s about ready to go down.
I’m sitting at 12.4 volts now and that’ll drop down to about 12.2 tonight as I’m drawing from it.
So back to the original scenario. Since we’re stuck in here on this side road we need to be able to survive with what’s here. No chance of getting out for a re-supply.
Renewable Resource-
The battery bank is a renewable resource provided that the sun shines enough to keep up with the consumption. Which during the winter up here that’s doubtful. The batteries can also be charged with the generator, but only at 6 amps (battery charger rating). Running the generator requires fuel consumption (hey, that’s what it’s there for right?).
We want to conserve electricity to run the computer, ham gear & refrigerator. The frozen goods can be taken out and put into the snow. That’ll make it a little easier on the battery bank.
OH NO!!!! While listening to the battery operated radio you hear the announcer say that the storm damage is far more extensive than 1st thought. The power companies now think it’ll be close to a month, maybe more before power can be restored to your area.
Well bummer.
How are we going to light our house?-
Ok, we’re not counting on the sun so power consumption is key. We still have the generator and 100+ gallons of fuel to fall back on.
Our lighting preps include-
Matches & Kerosene lamp wicks Kerosene lamps
We also store plenty of extra kerosene.
Candles are a handy thing to have too. Don’t forget the candle holders.
So we have a few of ‘em
Another handy light source is a Coleman lantern. We own 2 of them and keep plenty of spare propane on hand. Be sure to have extra mantles.
We have a few flashlights around too. Spare batteries & bulbs are stored.
Since we’re stuck in here and want to conserve power for other things we will primarily use kerosene lamps and candles. Candles are a renewable resource. As long as you store spare candlewicks or make your own you can reuse the wax and make more candles. Check out Solar’s article. Kerosene lamps last a long time. We use one here on a regular basis and it takes about a month to use 1 bowl full. 1 wick lasts about 2 bowls. We can last a long time on lamps alone.
Well Jaden, why don’t use use the Coleman lanterns too?
Because we rent this house and the kitchen stove is electric. We might just need to use the propane (long term) for cooking so why waste it on light?
As it’s said in the Rubicon- "Do what works for you." You might have a better way, but this is what works for us.
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