*Rubicon radio grab and go bag*
This is my radio grab and go plus vacation monitoring and ham radio bag. This all fits into a small camcorder bag except for the dual band antenna which I haven’t came up with a suitable carrying case for yetJ .
The main contents of my bag are:
Radioshack frequency counter
Empire rapid wall charger for the AA nmhd batteries
Icom t81a quad band ht 2m 440 6m and 1.2gig
Icom icr10
Manuals for the Icom radios
The other stuff is:
Wall warts for all radios, Extra rechargeable batteries, alkaline batteries.
Antenna adapters. All rubberducks and portable antennas that came with the radios.
An arrl repeater directory. 20 ft of coax, a promotional pen that has a light built into it.
A small notebook and sometimes a current issue of pop COM. A home made long wire antenna
And outside the bag is my modified arrow duel band jpole antenna 2m and 440 with the 2m elements Modified to make it packable.
The t81 is the main ht for normal ham coms.
It also has a limited receive capability to it has fm vhf air ECT.
It is a basic ht so I wont go into much detail here except to note That the 1.2 gig transmit may be something your team may want to look into because older scanners and race scanners wont pickup the microwave bands.
The icr10 is my all around receiver it will pick up short wave am, fm, ssb (both upper and lower.)
Plus about everything else. coverage is from .05 MHz to 2 gig so it will do everything I want it to do.
Plus you can change the tuning steps so you can receive odd splits and Gov. freqs.
The frequency counter I got on sale at radio shaft for 50 bux and use it to see what's going on around me J .
The jpole is made by arrow antenna corp. but if you are handy with a drill press you can make your self One.
I work in a machine shop so I made mine. It costs me about half as much to make one as to buy it.
The main mod I made to it was cutting the 2m element into 4 sections so it fits into less space when traveling.
I plan on adding some stuff to this so this is a work in progress but I will update it as soon as I get the other stuff added.
I have the plans for the jpole if anyone wants them so they can make there own I will scan them into the computer and send them.
Hope this helps, 73’s,
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