*Installing A Pipe In A Wall*
I’ll be running upwards of 8 pieces of coax, plus rotor wires through the wall leading from my ham shack to the antennas. The coax will vary from RG-58 to RG-8. The exterior wall is near 6" thick. It was an old barn wall that was recycled. Drilling a bunch of little holes and fishing coax through isn’t a logical approach. For one or two pieces, sure, but not 8 or more. It’s easier to make one big hole, insert a piece of PVC pipe and then run the coax through it. Then just stuff the pipe with something. So here’s how I did it.
I held the pipe to the wall and traced around it.
(Note: The tubing in the picture is standard waste pipe grade PVC (white with blue markings - used for photographs ONLY); while this would work it does not meet the National Electrical Code. For the installation to be code compliant (important if one ever has their home inspected for a sale or other work requiring permits) one would have to use the gray PVC electrical conduit and fittings. The gray pipe is available at Home Depot or Lowes step stores. The grey electrical PVC has an added resistance to heat and fire which is why it must be used in these types of applications. It also should be noted that to be code compliant it is necessary to join each of the PVC components with glue made for joining these materials).
Then out came the ½" paddle bit (drill bit) and I drilled around the circle.
Then I used a chisel to cut the rest of it.
The missing chunk to the right of the hole is because the hole is on a crack. No matter, it’ll just make it easier about filling the void with that aerosol insulation in a can stuff. That will seal the hole AND hold the pipe in place.
Next day I went I drilled through the outer wall. Made that hole the same way. Then I hammered the pipe in through; it’s a nice snug fit.
Elbow prevents water entry
It’s about 1.5 feet off the ground
Then I simply squirted foam insulation all around the pipe.
When we shingle outside, we can go right around the pipe and make it look like it’s supposed to be there. Inside, the paneling will go around it.
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