The Glock, when first introduced, was a rather revolutionary design, and a much misunderstood weapon. The frame is not plastic, but rather a polymer compound which Glock declares to be, by weight, tougher than steel. There is, of course, plenty enough steel in the weapon to set off metal detectors, contrary to early rumor.
Glock pistols are accurate, reliable and high in overall quality.
Glock pistols do not use manual safeties, instead
relying on a unique trigger design and internal safety mechanisms, a triple
"safe action" system. This includes a trigger-safety (lever in trigger
must be depressed to pull it), firing pin safety (blocks pin
until trigger pulled), and a drop safety.
There is no magazine-disconnect safety.
The trigger pull is similar to double-action, but relatively short and light. There is no external hammer.
Probably the single greatest advantage to the Glock pistol is their light weight, a result of the polymer frame.
Glock pistols come in the following calibers:
.45, .40, 10mm, 9mm, .357sig, and .380. Sizes/models include standard,
compact, subcompact, competition, "practical tactical" and "slimline".
Several models include optional compensators, particularly the
competition and practical-tactical.
There are non-firing practice models, "dummy" training guns, and a law-enforcement only full-auto Glock.
One fairly common complaint about Glock pistols is the thickness of the slide, and also the grip. All Glock pistols except the Model 36 .45 "slimline" are double-column and have relatively thick grips, a problem for people with small hands. The thickness of the slide requires some extra care for concealed carry as well, even with subcompact models.
Accessories offered by Glock are too numerous to list, but include tritium night-sights, slip-on grip additions, rail-mounted tactical lights, laser sights, holsters, and much more.
Glocks have been tested and have fired 30,000 rounds without malfunction. Reliability is considered one of the brand's strongest attributes.
As of March 2001, retail prices vary from $500 to $800 typically, depending on model.
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