*Backpack Rifle Case Hybrid*
By: Smitty
04 December, 2012

I like backpacks and appreciate having my hands free. Whenever I'm heading out to the range I'm usually carrying more than one case/bag. I thought it would be nice if my AR15 case had some backpack straps on it, so I made some.

I know these can be bought, but I had a backpack to cannibalize so I thought I'd give it a try.

I cut the entire backside of the backpack out. Using a Speedy Stitcher type awl sewing tool, I sewed it on the back side of the case.

To use this tool, you pull about 1.25X the length of the desired stitch (if you want to stitch 10 inches,

pull out about 12). Poke the needle through and pull the length of thread through that hole. Retract the needle and poke it through at the place of the next stitch then retract it about half an inch. This should produce a loop in the line from the needle. Thread the loose end through the loop and retract the needle. Pull it tight but not so hard it pulls the line through to the other side of the material. This is the first stitch, repeat until everything is stitched.

I did find that, depending on what else was in the bag, the weight was uncomfortably off. I should have temporarily stitched it and tried it out first. I did reenforce the area at the top of the straps where the weight of the case would pull on the straps. Using a large upholstery needle, I sewed a piece of 550 cord across the top edge.

I realized the case was lacking in storage, it only had 3 mag pockets and one skinny Velcro pouch. I cut the front side of the backpack off and using the same method I sewed it to the front of the case. This unfortunately reduced the size of the Velcro pocket, but not to the point it wasn't useable.

So now I have a cheap rifle case with extra storage and backpack straps, way more comfortable to tote than with the one shoulder strap it came with.



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