*Beware the Lunatic Fringe*
While Preparedness and Survivalism are currently "in Style", they've always had a fringe element attached to them that has long given "Preparedness Minded People" AND "Survivalists" a bad name, a bad rap, and a bad rep.
No matter how mainstream Disaster Preparedness, becomes, the lunatic fringe that gave "Survivalism/Preparedness" a bad name to start with is still out there.
As I have preached for Years: "Preparedness" and "Survivalism" seem to be the same thing; They aren't, even though most people assume that they are... and "Survivalism" seems to be an umbrella idea/label that some people
call themselves because they can't define what they Really are any closer... They "need a reason" to justify having some Guns,
and/or some equipment (Most just want to play Army), "so they Must be a Survivalist", and therefore also "Preparedness Minded"...
They're Not Either...
They're the lunatic fringe; Still outcast from any normal society.. trying to give their Hobbies justification; Spewing hatred, threatening violence, all to impress each other... What has any of that got to do with preparing for a Hurricane, or the aftermath of a Tornado, or protecting loved ones against whatever radical extremist Terrorists plan to do next?
"Not a thing"... They're not "Survivalists", they're not "Preparedness Minded", they're just radicals.
"They Think", "It seems logical that ____".. you almost never hear them say, "I Actually Did This and here's my results and pictures and proof, let's see how it compares to Your results". I've never seen a radical produce 15 year old eatable Rice as a proof of how well their food storage methods work... but ask them how many rounds of "ammo" they think they need, they can cite chapter and verse about that.
As one, uhh, person, on another Forum said,
"When you bugging out, If you have to painstakingly hack your way with a machete, you going the right direction" (SIC)..
They've never Actually done this or they would have looked back and thought "I'm leaving a trail for others to follow"... If you've read articles here, you've read the stories from members that Swore their retreats were "Hidden".. one found out his retreat was used as a "Position marker" on Aircraft maps to help find the local Airfield's runway... another got a tax bill when DEA people, looking for drugs via Helicopter in the "remote area", saw the retreat and turned the info over to the state for further investigation since it wasn't on their tax maps (many States combine the "Air Drug Searches" with tax searches and other State/County matters). "There is no such thing as *Remote* in the lower 48 any more".. it's a fiction for the ignorant to believe... But they are Still planning to "Head for the remote hills with a Bug out Bag" (Oh, they'll change their tune in time.. they always do once We've proven the fact, and then they'll swear it was Their idea in the first place ;)
...As I have said in other articles, A Lot of the Lunatic fringe just can't make it in society and want The Stuff To Hit The Fan because they think that by having a few supplies, and some guns, they can be "Important" or "a Leader" or "People will quit making fun of them (maybe even do some bowing and scraping)" if Society will just hurry up and collapse...
Folks, That's Lunacy!! If you have to hope for the system to be torn down to below your level before you feel good about yourself.. you need a little professional help.. And (again, As I have said for Years) "Powerful people are powerful by nature".. if you put them in a disaster, or on a desert Island with 20 people, they will Still gain power... they will gain power in Any environment... it's simply in their nature... the setting is incidental, whether we consider these people good or bad.
The Guy that can't get the respect he feels he deserves Right Now, is not going to get that respect After TSHTF either. That's a proven fact... History, and countless disasters, proves this out time after time.
Sadly, There are a lot of these people that Want to see society torn down so that They can be "better off" finally. They feel "cheated" in life, they feel like someone is holding them back (someone is.. *themselves*!)