*Bug Out info on a Budget*
If you are slowly building up your BOB, or you just come across something you would like to add to your reference material in your full kit, this may help. First you come across something that you might need at a later time, i.e. Instructions, med. cards, diagrams, etc. Then you cut out the part you need, take it to the copy machine and reduce it until you are still able to read it, but it is the right size. Next you take it to the laminator (if you have one) or get the sticky laminator paper that is used for maps. Trim the edges and you have a card that you can pull out at the worst of times and remember what to do.
Above, is the two articles form Buckshot on Survival Snaring and The Ultimate Survival Trap. I took out just the instructions of the articles to make them manageable, to go with the kit I just got from him. I have his CD, but now I also have just the minimum useful instructions.
I hope this will help, when you are out training and you need a fast reference of you want to make your own survival book, for personal use, that is ever expanding... this may be a start.
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