*Marking My Car Keys*
By: John1lt
30 November 2024

I have two vehicles that are the same make and era so the key blanks are the same for both vehicles. I keep both keys on the same ring and need a way to quickly tell the keys apart, since both keys look alike this can be extremely difficult. I tried painting one key head but the paint wears off too quickly. I know some key blanks come in designer fashion designs and colors but unfortunately the keys required for my vehicles aren't available in that format locally. I decided to take a round file and put a small notch on the edge of the key head. If I needed to mark another key I could use a triangle file and file a couple of V notches on the key head. Doing this also allows me to quickly identify the key by feel even before I take the key out of my pocket.

Bonus tip: If you have two double cut car keys that use the same key blank a good locksmith can combine both keys into one key. Modern car keys are double cut for convenience not for security. Those of us old enough will remember single cut car keys, only one edge of the key had teeth. Put a notch on the side of the head so you can determine which way to put the key in the ignition in each vehicle.


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