*College Survival Guide*
Classroom Survival
Ok, for basic stuff, you should already be aware of most things. Exits, entrances, how far is it to the ground from the window, will the window open? Can I lock the door, or does it take a teachers key to do it? These are all questions you should ask yourself and take note of the first day in class, now aside from that, how are you going to survive the class itself?
First step, pay attention. The biggest mistake I see people making is that they don’t pay attention. During lecture is not the time to be making a grocery list, setting up your budget, thinking about paying the bills, or any of the million other things you do to distract yourself when you’re bored. You are there to learn, so be there to learn.
Second step, take notes. Along with paying attention and being in the class, take notes. Notes serve a couple of purposes, one it helps the transition from short term to long term memory, and also aids in recall by building another path to the information. Most basically, it provides a resource to study by and a way to look over what was actually said in class. In college, the importance of the lecture material cannot be over stated. Develop an organizational method that works for you. I tend to use an bulleted list, outline style format. I also switch between using the laptop and long hand in a spiral. Experiment to find out what works best for you.
Third, ask questions. Don’t be scared, you won’t look foolish and you won’t slow the class down. I’ve developed a good relationship with most of the instructors in my major, and they all say that they would like more questions and discussions, not less. That being said, make sure your question or comment is relevant to the topic at hand, not so to something from the beginning of class, or something you could find by looking at the syllabus.
Fourth, speaking of the syllabus, read that thing. Professors don’t make those up for their own good. You can get a good idea of the amount and type of work that will be required of you, along with important assignment due dates, just by reading the syllabus.
Fifth, do the homework and required reading. Usually to be found in the syllabus, or from the professor in class. Once again, the homework is given for a reason, usually to reinforce course objectives. By making a habit of doing some homework daily and splitting large assignments into small parts, you will steadily work through the entire semester without getting behind.
Test Survival
You’ve taken the notes, done the homework, now it’s time for the test. Tests should not scare you. You should actually work to relax yourself as much as possible. In my experience, I’ve done better on tests that I was relaxed about, but didn’t study for, then I have on tests where I was stressed and worried and had studied. Of course I’ve done the best on exams when I’m both studied, reviewed and relaxed.
What’s the best way to relax? Know the material. By taking notes, reviewing them, restating them in your own words, and looking up auxiliary information, you will be as prepared as you can be.
Specific Test Taking Strategies
You can pick up a book, or take a KAPLAN course, but here are some specific test taking strategies that work for me. Remember before you get started, make sure you relax.
Things you need to know about on-campus survival
Ok, that’s it for now, this article was just to bring up some points for consideration for personal and academic survival on campus. Thanks for reading.
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