*Non Survivalist Spouses*
By: Beanie
03 October 2003

Being married to a non-survivalist spouse is difficult at the best of times and down right explosive at the worst of times. Some things I have just left unsaid about what I believe. I don't encourage anyone to lie, but by not saying anything and avoiding a potential fight with your mate is sometimes in the best interest of your marriage.

A great help and comfort to me is knowing that I am doing this for the good and safety of my family. My spouse unfortunately does not see it in the same light. Being online and having daily conversations in the chat rooms or message boards worries my spouse that I shall become involved in an online affair. Calm your spouse's fears by allowing them to view what you view in the Rubicon and in our message boards.

Other fears that have presented themselves in our marriage is the amount of funds we have to spend on equipment and supplies. Commit yourself to give up one thing to show your spouse you are serious enough about this lifestyle that you are willing to sacrifice in order to help obtain your goals. This is difficult, especially if you have a spouse that likes to joke or make sly comments about what you have given up. Personally, I have given up alcohol in order to buy supplies for our house. Tough break, Tequila or emergency power. Hmmmmmm not easy to do shots in the dark, kinda makes a mess.

Moving on, my first Rubicon campout was a huge battle that ended up with me leaving with a smile on my face, my two year old daughter in tow, and my spouse stomping off to work. When I returned 18 hours early because our daughter was starting to get sick, my spouse said everything that could be said especially "I told you so". It went as far as comments referencing back to a Fox program King of the Hill, during an episode leading up to Y2K the neighbor Dale went a little overboard with his tactics to survive. Dale crossbreed a Gerbil and Hamster together to make a Gerbester, rather funny until you are asked "was our daughter given any Gerbster to eat at this campout?". Had to just roll with comments, they will soon die down once the supplies come in handy and are always where you put them last.

Going on to the food supplies, my spouse loves to eat. Doesn't mind having certain things on hand, but does make fun of some of the more practical things I use when I cook. For example any canned meat: tuna, salmon, oysters, Spam, beef, and chicken; Denty Moore beef stew and Chicken & dumplings; most canned beans; and of course the 10# bags of flour, sugar, and rice. When I cook I always use at least one of the can goods, and normally bake something too. Fact is I cooked homemade chicken noodle soup today, 1/2 cup each dehydrated carrots, celery and onions, 1- 49 oz can of chicken broth plus filled up with water and dumped it in too, two 13 oz cans of chicken breast, (cook all that until you get about ready to eat on a simmer after you first boil it, about 20 minutes before you want to eat, put in the noodles, turn the soup on high, and check your noodles for your preferred al dente) and 1# wagonwheel noodles. My Husband ate it and said that it was a great meal, asked when I had a chance to cook the homemade broth and when I baked the chicken. I just smiled and pointed to the pile of spent cans on the counter. Score one for the can meat.

So for all you guys out there worried about how to get your wives on board with your desired lifestyle, for the most part out-smile them, out smart them, and above all love them because they love you back and their main resistance is deeply rooted into their fears.

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