Think about the information, technology and insight that goes into making, using or obtaining shelter. Shelter, real estate, and retreats, are very similar in that the most important idea, for these subjects is: LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCTATION!
A number of concepts including, why shelter is needed, what you must do to obtain it, how to gather materials to make shelters, how to use existing structures and how to accomplish this in an efficient manner, must be considered by each person.
It is important to know how to build or obtain shelter, as none of us want to become residents in the governments' refugee camps. Concepts of shelter range from the minimalist approach such as the military poncho/Alpha-Tent and progressing through moveable shelters like tents and motor homes up to full-fledged pre-TSHTF retreats.
The selection of your shelter will depend on your current situation, materials at-hand and how long you plan to be there. Each situation is different. You must put a lot of thought into planning before you move from where you are living at the time. Once you have moved away from "home base" you are in the realm of the refugee.
Also important for you to consider are the topics of clothing and footwear. Selection of these items can cause potentially fatal consequences if you make the wrong choices. Examples include cotton thermal underwear which, when wet, can contribute to hypothermia and death.
When thinking it through, consider "active" retreat defense and some "passive" techniques. Examples will include fortifications, "safe-rooms" and visual privacy to protect your preparations and materials from a casual pedestrian walker up to an active intruder.
Shelter provides not only protection from the elements but, if properly designed and constructed, can provide protection from attacks including firearms, nuclear, chemical and biological threats. As you will see in other articles, providing for these contingencies requires considerable thought and planning. Do not wait for the "rockets red glare" before beginning to embark on the planning, practice and construction of shelters.
Other decisions you must make now include whether your retreat will include room for other family members and friends. Ideas such as this must be addressed before you begin planning. Imagine the difference in your "ideal" retreat if five additional members of your extended family were to suddenly show up on the doorstep after TSHTF.
Get ready for some fun, planning, hard work and practice in shelter scenarios, shelter building and construction while you have the opportunity. The more you work with shelters the more you realize just how interdependent the articles on this site are and how much knowledge and information you already know.
Mad Dog
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