*Sprouts: The Healthy Prepper's Best Friend*
By: TooshieGalore
29 March 2017

What are sprouts?

Sprouts are a raw, living food, germinated from the seeds of plants like vegetables, spices, grasses and legumes. Only a few sprouts are generally available for purchase, so most must be homegrown.

Why sprouts?

How to grow sprouts:

You can buy an official "sprouter" but most people I know grow sprouts in a bag, a glass jar or in a soil flat. I prefer to use two quart-size to half-gallon glass jars with cheese cloth or panty hose rubber banded to the top for air flow. (I've also used a mason jar with the panty hose held on by the ring.). I'm usually eating from one jar while the next batch starts in the second. Wash with hot soapy water and allow to air dry between each use.

  1. Use a sanitized area and tools - this is raw food; don't think it as gardening
  2. Soak seeds - usually overnight
  3. Rinse and drain. (Some require dehulling)
  4. Prevent mold with a ventilating lid for good air flow
  5. Shake jar so that wet seeds/beans are not all stuck together. I lay my jar on it's side for a larger ventilated area.
  6. Place in a 65-80 degree F area to germinate
  7. Run a bit of water in the jar and swish around enough to dampen the seeds then drain. You want the seeds moistened but not sitting in water. I like to add 1 Tbsp azomite mixed in one gallon non-chlorinated water - for rinse water.
  8. Most are ready to eat after growth is 3 to 6". If you grow to leaf, provide light.

A wide variety of spouting seeds and beans are available online. If you are new to sprouting, I suggest buying a few small samples to see what you like. Follow the growing instructions that come with your package, but in general, the following has worked for me:


Basil Microgreens







Mung Beans

Onion Sprouts

Pea Shoots


Radish (Red or Daikon)

Sprouted Rye


Sprouted Quinoa

Sprouted Wheatberries

Wheatgrass (hard-red wheat)

Get started in sprouting with this $1.95 package of seeds and a recycled spaghetti sauce jar:

I buy my favorite sprouting mix in a 5-gallon pail. The mix provides variety in flavors, texture and nutrition:

Or make your own high-protein mix by purchasing small packets of green peas, garbanzo beans, adzuki and mung beans.


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