*Three Day "ready to eat" (well, almost) food supply*
This list is "per person". You can gain some efficiencies (particularly costs) if you are preparing for two, as you can use larger cans/packages of some items. I use individual serving packages for most foods, since you won’t have refrigeration in most emergencies. Substitutions can be easily made - don’t like split pea soup? Substitute cream of corn, or whatever you like. Some things (like the soup) I buy in those little cups that you just add water too. It takes a little more room, but no need for a bowl, and nothing to clean. This isn’t the cheapest way to go, but for a three day emergency you don’t want to worry about "cooking" anything but water! I keep ours in either a box or a duffle bag. The duffle bag gives me handles, and a little extra room for "possibles". This is a supplement to your basic BOB, which should have some sort of emergency food (like the MainStay rations) also.
You will see 5 basic categories represented here: Bread, cereal, rice and pasta; Fruits; Vegetables; Milk; cheese and other calcium foods; meat, poultry, dry beans (protein foods); Looking at what’s on the list, you can easily see what meals are possible. This should definitely be catered to your own tastes, in a crisis is not a time to stick out your tongue at candied yams!
Bread/cereal/rice/pasta group:
2 boxes single serving ready-to-eat cereal
1 cup single serving instant oat meal
9 oz boxes crackers
6 granola bars
3 small boxes animal crackers
Fruit group:
1 6 oz can orange juice
2 4 oz cups or cans mixed fruit
3 boxes raisins (or fruit rolls)
2 8.45 oz boxes apple juice
2 4 oz cups apple sauce
Vegetable group:
2 1.5 oz cup instant mashed potatoes
2 8.5 oz can corn
1 8 oz can green beans
1 8 oz can stewed tomatoes
Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans & nuts group
1 can roast beef
1 3 oz can chicken
2 3 oz can or foil pack tuna
1 2.29 oz cup noodle soup
1 2.29 oz cup split pea soup
1 12 oz jar peanut butter
Milk, cheese and other calcium foods group
1 8.75 oz box shelf stable cheese (velveeta)
6 small boxes shelf stable milk, or soy milk (yes, chocolate counts)
"Other" group
1 pound bag hard candy
Good quality jerky (I prefer homemade as it has less moisture and no chemicals)
Tea Bags, hot chocolate, instant coffee
3 gallons water (or container and purifier for water)
small Ziplocs (for crackers, cookies, etc once opened)
Can opener
Sierra cup (or other unbreakable cup)
Small pot to boil water
Small survival stove, matches and fuel
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