*Thermo-Lite 2.0 Bivvy Sack*
For many years now, I have carried all sorts of trauma supplies in my vehicles and backpack while hiking and in wilderness areas. When my family was younger, we had a couple of situations and injuries that required immediate remedy or face grievous consequences. One of the items I thought to be useful were the emergency space blankets commonly seen in all the stores. Cheap, versatile, and readily available I usually have one or two on hand in all of my BOBs, BOVs and backpacks. They can be used for a variety of circumstances protect an accident victim, temporary shelter from the elements, protection from hypothermia etc. etc. The problem is that most of them are very flimsy and do not hold up to the elements very well. Some of the older ones were thicker but the vinyl was clammy and somewhat rigid. A couple of months ago I came across a company called Adventure Medical Kits. They advertised a space blanket call "Thermo-Lite 2.0 Bivvy Sack 1 person" and I immediately got one on EBay at a reduced price of $22 including shipping which was about $11 better than retail.
Upon receiving, I was amazed at how light it felt. The package said 6.9 oz. and was close to actual weight of 7 1/8 ounces it weighted in at with the sturdy nylon bag included.
Taking it out the bag, I noticed the reinforced material to be very soft to the touch but still somewhat tear resistant and seemed to resist the stretching and pulling you might put it through if you were trying to wrap it around yourself or punctures from ground clutter. The sides and bottom are held together with Velcro and did not tear or separate from the repeated use it got during my inspections. After opening and unrolling, I climbed inside and found it to be adequate for one person of reasonable size with the dimensions 36" at the top 84" length and 27" at the bottom. It might have been a little better to be 36" x 84" without the taper, so it could be used in a tent configuration easier but still it was sufficient.They advertise it as an emergency shelter for being caught out in the elements with the ability to reflect up to 80% of your body heat. It would seem reasonable and with the low weight and a little Para cord, you could probably make it into a number of configurations for adaptability to numerous circumstances. The company also offers it in a two-person model that is larger.
Overall, I would recommend this to someone that wants to increase the chances of survival in any accident or wilderness situation. It seems to be sturdy and up to a little more punishment than the more common Mylar variety of space blanket.
Lastly, I rolled it back to its original size and stowed it back in the nylon sack it came in with no problems, now that is a first…….
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