*Ghetto Fabulous Night Sights*
By: Festus
20 March 2006

I recently decided to take a serious look at adding night sights to my favorite carry gun, a HK USP45. A lot of companies make night sights and accessories for USP series pistols and Glocks for that matter. I wanted the ability to see my sights at night but did not feel like investing $100.00 plus in tritium night sights. I shopped every internet sight (pardon the pun) and could not come up with an affordable solution.

I was shopping at my favorite Wally World and happened upon a bottle of GLOW IN THE DARK nail polish in a clearance bin (leftover) from Halloween. For about a buck I now had the solution to my conundrum in hand. I applied the nail polish with the tip of a machinist’s scribe. I worked carefully to make sure I filled in the white dots with equally sized drops. I stood the pistol on end in a clamp cushioned with leather to protect the finish. I let the sights dry overnight and VIOLA! Ghetto Fabulous Night Sights are what my shooting buddy called them and the name stuck. He asked if he could do the same to his Glock. His choice was to only treat the front sight.

I lit them up for thirty seconds with a surefire and they glowed brightly for the first couple of hours. I thought, "not bad" and left the room. Eight hours later they were still glowing, somewhat dimly, but nonetheless, GLOWING! These may not be much of an advantage compared to tritium sights, but they are WAY BETTER than black sights at night. The best part is that if you don’t like the effects, the stuff comes off with a q-tip dipped in nail polish remover.

This can be used on just about any pistol, shotgun or other CQB weapon. Good luck and good shooting.

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